Item #: SCP-8675
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-8675 is to be stored in a standard digital containment unit at Site-58. Access to SCP-8675 is restricted to Level 3 personnel and above. The containment unit must be kept in a temperature-controlled environment, with regular monitoring for any signs of digital corruption or unauthorized access attempts.
Interaction with SCP-8675 requires the use of a secure, Foundation-approved virtual machine, isolated from the main network to prevent any potential spread of anomalous properties. Any data transfer to or from SCP-8675 must be logged and approved by at least two Level 3 personnel.
SCP-8675 is an anomalous copy of the open-source space strategy game "FreeOrion." The game behaves identically to the standard version until the player reaches a specific in-game year (8675), at which point anomalous events begin to occur.
These events include, but are not limited to:
Unpredictable AI Behavior: AI-controlled factions begin displaying strategic behavior not present in the standard version, including advanced tactics and diplomacy that suggest sentience.
Reality Alterations: Players have reported brief visual and auditory hallucinations corresponding with in-game events. These hallucinations cease when the game is closed.
Temporal Anomalies: Players have experienced time dilation, where in-game time does not correspond with real-world time. Some sessions have lasted hours in-game while only minutes passed in reality, and vice versa.
Addendum 8675-1: Initial Discovery
SCP-8675 was discovered on 742024 by Foundation agents embedded in the open-source community. The anomalous properties were first noted by user "██████," who reported unusual game behavior on a public forum. Foundation web crawlers flagged the discussion, and MTF ALLENWRENCH was deployed to contain the anomaly and administer amnestics where necessary.
Addendum 8675-2: Experiment Log
Experiment 8675-A:
Date: 742024
Subject: D-8675
Procedure: Subject instructed to play SCP-8675 until the in-game year 8675 is reached.
Results: Upon reaching the specified year, the subject reported seeing “ghost ships” not listed in the game’s code. The subject also experienced auditory hallucinations of distant battles. Symptoms subsided 5 minutes after the game was closed.
Experiment 8675-B:
Date: 742024
Subject: Researcher Dr. Y
Procedure: Subject to document changes in AI behavior post-anomalous event trigger.
Results: AI factions displayed cooperative behavior, forming alliances against the player in a manner not coded into the game. The AI's decision-making processes appeared to adapt dynamically to the player’s strategies.
Addendum 8675-3: Incident Report
On 742024, a containment breach occurred when SCP-8675's containment unit experienced a power surge. During the breach, all electronic devices within a 10-meter radius of the unit displayed the FreeOrion game screen, even those not connected to the network. The anomaly ceased when the containment unit was manually rebooted. Investigation into the cause of the power surge is ongoing.
Further research is required to determine if SCP-8675 possesses any sentient characteristics and if its anomalous properties can be replicated or transferred to other digital media.
How to Use This Template
Replace placeholders (e.g., 742024, ALLENWRENCH, Site-58) with specific details relevant to your SCP Foundation documentation.
Adjust the content to fit the narrative and style of your SCP entry.
Ensure the containment procedures and descriptions align with the Foundation’s standards for documenting and containing anomalies.
This template provides a basic structure for an SCP entry. Feel free to expand or modify it to suit the unique properties and containment needs of your specific SCP.
Note: The below release statements are designed for general usage and projects featuring content based on a large number of SCP stories. When creating a derivative work based on one particular article, please identify the author of the work in your statement (you can find their identity via SCPPER) and (though not legally required) it is considered good form to link to their author page if they have one.
Content relating to the SCP Foundation, including the SCP Foundation logo, is licensed under Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 and all concepts originate from and its authors. This work, being derived from this content, is hereby also released under Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0."
Some assets in this project are from FreeOrion, which is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0. Original assets can be found at Any modifications to the assets are noted, as being adapted into an SCP log