“ | Should intermittent vengeance arm again his red right hand to plague us? | ” |
–Motto of the Chaos Insurgency, Chaos Insurgency Hub |
The Chaos Insurgency (GoI-002) is a paramilitary faction directly opposing the SCP Foundation. The group originally was formed as a black ops unit by the O5 Council using MTF Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand members as the leadership, for the purpose of completing ethically questionable missions while keeping the SCP Foundation's reputation as clean as possible. In 1948, they became independent of the Overseers and began directly opposing the Foundation, attacking sites, targeting and killing personnel, freeing anomalies, and recruiting those opposed to the Foundation.
The Chaos Insurgency began as a special task force called the "Insurgency" that was established by the O5 Council in 1924. Research, security, and retrieval staff drawn from Foundation ranks assisted the leadership of this new task force, which was made up of members of Mobile Task Force Alpha-1, also referred to as the "Red Right Hand," a unique MTF tightly linked to the Council. this task force was covertly established to carry out operations with morally dubious tactics and politically shady outcomes, in order to maintain the integrity of the SCP Foundation. All the while posing as a breakaway group that was defecting from the Foundation.
Several SCP items were taken out of Foundation custody and hundreds of defecting Foundation researchers were taken to safe places by the Insurgency in 1948 as part of an apparently ordinary staged operation. Several additional spontaneous raids on Foundation locations transpired that same day. The Insurgency severely wounded Foundation personnel and took possession of SCP items with significant military and research potential. The greatest fabrication propagated by the Foundation had come to pass. An organization now identifying itself as the Chaos Insurgency posed a threat to the Foundation after their clandestine black ops squad defected.
The Council of O5 was rather surprised. It had never happened before that Red Right Hand personnel had defected or even hinted at treachery. The Foundation does not know the reasons for the betrayal by the Insurgency. Every effort to locate, capture, or kill the insurgency members who were defecting was futile.SCP-830[]
The Insurgency sacrificed many occultists of SCP-830 to 830 itself, though the SCP Foundation eventually managed to wrest 830 from the Insurgency and establish containment.[3]
Protecting Site-12[]
Beginning on 18 September 1955, the Engineer issued orders to entrench outside Foundation facility Site-12 and uncharacteristically protect it due to the extreme danger of SCP-017 possibly escaping. Should the Foundation lose control of the facility, it should be recaptured by the Insurgency and handed to another organization such as the United Nations Global Occult Coalition.[4]
Containment Breach[]
Prior to 2012, George Maynard either infiltrated the SCP Foundation as Scientific Department personnel or was convinced to betray the Foundation. In either case, Maynard became a double agent for the Insurgency and grew to be highly respected and influential in his position. After the Insurgency damaged dozens of critical Foundation facilities across the world, Maynard and fellow agent Skinner spearheaded the construction of the Modular Site.
Maynard and Skinner caused a containment breach in 2012 involving nearly every anomaly at the Modular Site, resulting in demoted Foundation doctor and Class-D Personnel D-9341 escaping custody. Due to the effects of the Spiral Gestalt phenomenon affecting D-9341, it is possible that the Insurgency managed to rescue D-9341 from the site.[5]
Incident 1943-01[]
On an undetermined date, Chaos Insurgency-aligned TTF Zeta-3 "Archangels" assaulted Area-██ with the intent to capture Level 1 technician Sarah Gruenwald. A subordinate unit of AMTF Nu-7 "Hammer Down" arrived at the facility as part of their route to a covert assignment at a classified location, combating Zeta-3 with the assistance of site security. This counterattack ended in the deaths of all members of Zeta-3 save for an individual later classified as SCP-1943-2.[6]
Magic Orientation[]
During an orientation on thaumaturgy by ex-Serpent's Hand agent and current Site-19 Director Tilda D. Moose, she spoke about the anomalous community and how ostracized the Insurgency was from groups like the Serpent's Hand due to their belief of using anomalies to empower themselves, being referred to as madmen.[7]
Alternate realities[]
After Mekhane appeared in Russia in December 2018 and a strain of SCP-610 was destroyed, a Lifted Veil Scenario occurred where the anomalous was discovered by the public at large. The Chaos Insurgency created a stronghold in Juarez, Mexico, which was promptly assaulted by MTF Nu-7 "Hammer Down". This assault was implied to have been a failure.[8]
The Chaos Insurgency functions off of decentralization, primarily using small cells for organization and planning. There are two main divisions of the Insurgency: military and R&D. Both of these divisions have hundreds of cells that work independently and are only somewhat aware of other Insurgency cells.[1]
Command structure[]
Delta Command is the effective commanding council of the Insurgency, akin to the O5 Council whom they once served. They issue commands to Gamma-class personnel who lead cells, who then command Beta-class personnel working in the field. Eventually, subsequent orders are then given to Alpha-class personnel recruited from the non-anomalous world.
New recruits are taught to question nothing that their superiors say, being told that the Foundation had constructed baseline reality as a lie to keep humanity in the dark and that the Insurgency will use anomalies to build a utopia for humanity; it is unknown if this is what the Insurgency truly wants or if it is just another ploy.[1]
Modus operandi[]
A common misconception is that the Chaos Insurgency are terrorists, but they are much more than that. They are, as the name implies, an insurgency; they utilize many tactics, including terrorism, to achieve their ultimate goal.[9]
The Chaos Insurgency's military has gained significant amounts of arms via illegal dealing and the raiding of Foundation facilities. Several anomalies are used by the Insurgency, including the Bell of Entropy and the Archangel of Scorn. Cells utilize small units and guerilla warfare to attack targets. Some vehicles are in use, though tanks and other heavy ordinance are not commonly used.
Known units[]
Relationships with other groups[]
African Office of Occult Affairs[]
The Chaos Insurgency and the African Office of Occult Affairs are enemies, fighting particularly during the collapse of France's colonial empire. In modernity, they fight over control of anomalies within Africa.
Antares Society for the Renewal of the Human Mindset[]
The Insurgency and the Antares Society for the Renewal of the Human Mindset have good ties, trading information and anomalies.
Cobweb International[]
Cobweb International is enemies with the Chaos Insurgency, requiring large effort to neutralize in an engagement.
Division XXV[]
Division XXV acted against the Insurgency in East Germany, though the CI did not discover who attacked their operations there until information was stolen from the SCP Foundation regarding it. Today, the Insurgency goes after Division artifacts for their own purposes.
Global Occult Coalition[]
The Insurgency is wary of the United Nations Global Occult Coalition, and readies itself for engagement should GOC units be present.
The Hive[]
Due to the Hive's immense skill in infiltration, espionage and sabotage, the Insurgency opposes the Hive. Several methods to keep sensitive information from the Hive has been developed in order to effectively counter them.
Political Organisation of the Rukh "Angriff"[]
The Insurgency funds and assists the Political Organisation of the Rukh "Angriff", supplying them with weapons and anomalies to assist in their efforts against Russia. Some believe it to be a puppet of the Insurgency, though this has not been verified.
SCP Foundation[]
The Chaos Insurgency is extremely hostile to the SCP Foundation and seeks nothing else than the complete destruction of the Foundation, the freedom/capture of its anomalies, and extermination of its members and allies.
- Entry Page: 830 - 31 Jul 2009
- Reddawn - 10 Aug 2009
- The King Is Dead - 13 May 2010
- Entry Page: 244 - 12 Jul 2010
- SCP Foundation: The Movie - 29 Sep 2010
- Game Day, Phase 1: Secure - 4 Oct 2011
- SCP: Containment Breach - 15 Apr 2012
- In His Own Image: Part 2 - 19 Jul 2012
- In His Own Image: Part 7 - 20 Jul 2012
- Quiet Days - 30 Aug 2012
- Briefing on SLATE THUNDER (Chaos Insurgency Orientation) - 12 Oct 2012
- The Executions of Doctor Bright - 5 Feb 2013
- Entry Page: 1943 - 27 Dec 2013
- Global Occult Coalition Casefiles - 10 Jan 2014
- Excerpts from PHYSICS Division Threat Entity Database - 10 Jan 2014
- Prometheus Labs Hub - 21 Jun 2014
- Chaos Insurgency Hub - 6 Jul 2014
- Aftermath - 30 Nov 2014
- Document 017-1 - 19 Mar 2015
- Magic Orientation - 7 Mar 2016
- O5 Command Dossier - 21 Apr 2017
- Lockdown Procedures - 7 May 2017
- Entry Page: 2546 - 5 Mar 2017
- Entry Page: 3301 - 3 Jul 2017
- Entry Page: 3457 - 14 Jun 2018
- Entry Page: 3668 - 21 Jun 2018
- Entry Page: 1548 - 26 Jun 2018
- Entry Page: 4077 - 31 Jul 2018
- Entry Page: 4231 - 22 Aug 2018
- RAISA-6147 (PENDING ASSIGNMENT) - 15 Nov 2018
- Entry Page: 001 - djkaktus's Proposal III - 1 Dec 2018
- Entry Page: 4966 - 29 May 2019
- Entry Page: 4263 - 14 Aug 2019
- Entry Page: 4547 - 12 Sep 2019
- Numbed Owls Feasting - 13 Nov 2019
- Entry Page: 5001 - 14 Jan 2020
- Entry Page: 5105 - 13 Feb 2020
- Entry Page: 5041 - 18 May 2020
- Entry Page: 5549 - 9 Jul 2020
- Him and the Other Him - 26 Sep 2020
- Entry Page: 001 - ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal - 12 Jan 2021
- Homecoming - 15 Mar 2021
- Entry Page: 5636 - 23 Mar 2021
- Entry Page: 6000 - 25 May 2021
- Entry Page: 6500 - 25 May 2021
- Heart of Darkness Hub - 13 Nov 2021
- Entry Page: 6987 - 13 Dec 2021
- Esterberg (City) — Wikipedia - 28 May 2022
- Entry Page: 7000 - 25 Jul 2022
- Entry Page: 7018 - 31 Jul 2022
- Valravn Corporation Hub - 15 Sep 2022
- Carroll 022: The Last Stand - 14 Dec 2023