“ | Apart, we are Broken. But united, we are God. | ” |
–POI-004D/001, Entry Page: 001 - TwistedGears-Kaktus Proposal |
The Church of the Broken God (GoI-004) is an anomalous religious organization that worships machinery, believing flesh to be evil. They are the bitter enemy of the Sarkics, who worship flesh and blood.
Xia origins[]
Early in Chinese history, before the rise of the Xia Dynasty around 2100 BCE, a section of the Xia Anomalous Culture Group worshiped Father Serpent Fuxi and Mother Dragon Nüwa as part of a dualistic religion. Though Fuxi worship was more common than worship of Nüwa, they believed the rebuilding of Fuxi would bring about Nüwa's freedom from the "brass cage" built by Fuxi after humanity's creation, which would end the world. Later on, the Yellow Emperor defeated the adherents of Fuxi and Nüwa in the reunification of China.
The Xia used extremely advanced technology created by Fuxi adherents, including artificial intelligence and reality warping devices. The Dynasty fell to the Golden Crows around 1600 BCE, who destroyed all physical evidence of the Xia's existence.[2]
Grecian origins[]
It is unknown if this group was related to the Fuxi adherents, though they still worshiped the same god under a different name: Mekhane, the Broken God. This group originated among the Mycenaean Greeks between 1600 BCE and 1100 BCE. They eventually grew powerful enough to establish the Mekhanite Empire, which ruled from 1200 BCE to 1000 BCE. This empire was a prime manufacturer of metallurgic goods, due to metal's holy nature within the Mekhanite religion. They held strong relationships with Assyria, Egypt, and Canaan, due to their aggressive commercial policies, evangelism, and navy, which made them one of the strongest states in the world despite their unpopularity.
The Mekhanites introduced the concept of rebuilding the Broken God into the group's theology, initially calling Mekhane "Wan" before settling on the Greek word for machine. The Mekhanites conflicted with several great powers at the time, including the Daevite Empire (though there is evidence of brief alliances) and the Kalmakatama Empire; a nation of Sarkites similar to the Nüwa adherents. A massive war between the Mekhanites and the Sarkites was fought near the end of the 11th century BCE, triggering the Late Bronze Age collapse. Though the Mekhanites technically won, their empire crumbled due to the severe damage it suffered.[2]
Founding of Amoni[]
A schism occurred after the collapse; any survivors of the Mekhanites traveled to distant lands, while the rest stayed to develop Amoni, which was a small Mekhanite settlement untouched by the war. The Mekhanites in totality went under the radar, as other powerful states wished to obtain Mekhanite technology for their own governments, with many travelers abandoning their religion to integrate into various societies across Europe, Africa, and Asia.
Amoni only recovered its former influence in the 6th century BCE, having taken nearly 400 years to claim their former glory. Amonite engineers were highly valued, and were the key to Amoni's wealth and power, despite the lack of a large military force. The city-state remained closed to foreigners, though Pythagorean cults had a heavy influence on Amoni, with Broken God theology incorporating some Gnostic ideas from these cults. Many pieces of Amonite literature and art were made in the 5th century BCE, along with automaton design in the 1st century BCE which were the first examples of artificial intelligence in Europe.
Though mostly neutral, a conflict with the Hebrews proved that the Amonites weren't to be underestimated, culminating in the Roman Empire conquering Amoni in the 1st century BCE. No centralized form of religion would form for adherents of Mekhane for centuries.[2]
During the Industrial Revolution in the late 18th century CE, the Church of the Broken God resurfaced, seeing the immense industrial and mass production progress as a sign of Mekhane's eventual return. Tensions began rising, however, due to conversion methods differing from the traditional method utilizing God's Ichor. This culminated in a schism during the 1840s, with many denominations splitting off to worship new technologies birthed during the 19th century CE.
Many factory owners funded Church cells, allowing successful augmentation to be performed. The increased presence of Church adherents in everyday society threatened to open the Veil, which led to the early SCP Foundation combating the Church cells. These cells would unify under the Cogwork Orthodox Church, led by the Patriarchs.[2]
20th century[]
The Church was one of several factions that targeted the Chicago Spirit and Foundation Joint Team I-3 "Rum Runners"; other factions included the Serpent's Hand and assorted thaumaturges.
In the winter of 1925, a Spirit speakeasy in Three Portlands was raided by Mekhanist adherents. 12 Spirit men were killed in the attack, prompting Richard D. Chappell to personally lead an attack on a Broken God hideout. After kicking open the door, the Mekhanites were killed in a gunfight, while Chappell went to deal with the Mekhanite leader. As the leader was deep in meditation, Chappell broke a barrel of hydrofluoric acid over the leader, melting him alive. He later made bar trophies out of what was left. Consigliere Roland MacDell later recounted this to Foundation authorities in a testimony in 1926.[3]
Rebuilding of Mekhane[]
Robert Bumaro surfaced in the 20th century during a great race between the Broken Church, which was composed of the adherents to the reformed Church during the Industrial Revolution, and the Cogwork Orthodox Church for Mekhane's pieces. Bumaro managed to recruit multiple enforcers and enhance them with augmentations; this was unusual for the Broken Church, as the COC initially split off due to the Broken Church's disdain for artificial enhancement. Many artifacts were gathered by Bumaro and his men, before his disappearance in 1943. He reappeared in 1946 as "Builder of God" and leader of the Church, with Bumaro becoming the most respected authority leader across the entire faith.
The Church of Maxwellism formed in the 1990s after several members believed the old tenets were outdated in the wake of the Digital Age, with the Patriarchs declaring use of digital technology to be heretical. This prompted many members to split off from the COC, forming many more splinter cells. A woman known as Saint Hedwig would unite most of the splinter cells into the Church of Maxwellism. The Maxwellists gained several links to paratech companies such as Prometheus Labs, becoming the third most dominant denomination across the Church.[2]
In the 21st century CE, the Church had a total membership of an estimated 300,000, with many new recruits being indoctrinated by Maxwellists via the Internet. SCP Foundation experts deemed the Maxwellists to be the biggest threat to the Veil due to this recruitment tactic, though they lacked any true physical threat to anyone.[2]
Alternate realities[]
After a nuclear apocalypse, the Church reformed into the Holy Order of the Assemblage, becoming much more militant over the next 300 years. The Order would indoctrinate people into joining the Priesthood of the Assemblage God or being converted into a mindless automaton of the Assemblage God's army. Gareth, a straggler who followed no faction, narrowly escaped a battle between the Assemblage and the White Lord's army.[1]
After 2020, when the SCP Foundation discovered an Entity residing in the subconscious of humanity, they proceeded to undergo omnicide against the entire human race to spare them from the diabolical plans of the Entity. One of their first actions after the declaration was to plant samples of SCP-610 across many major cities, including New York City in New York and Delhi, India. When the entire populace (including the agents who planted the 610 samples) became infected, the Church of the Broken God worked with the Global Occult Coalition to contain 610 within the cities. This operation was a success, halting further spread of the Red Death.
After the Internet was taken down by the Foundation to disrupt communications worldwide, the Church managed to get it running in some areas. Unfortunately, thousands of copies of SCP-3078 were uploaded to the Internet through every medium in existence. This forced the Internet to be taken back down, this time permanently.
While the Church was attempting to rebuild things, SCP-3179 was freed. Soon after, the Church began infighting among themselves to determine whether SCP-3179 was Mekhane or not. They continued fighting until the universe was reset by Pietro Wilson by planting SCP-055 within SCP-579.[4]
The Church of the Broken God currently has around 300,000 members worldwide, making annual revenue between USD$1-5 billion.[2]
The Church of the Broken God adherents vary wildly, with three primary denominations existing within the greater Church.
- The Broken Church led by Robert Bumaro, who work towards rebuilding Mekhane, the central messianic figure of Church scripture. It is the oldest current denomination, having been founded during the Industrial Revolution. The Broken Church was formerly considered the entire Church of the Broken God until their schism in the 1840s. They formerly held opposition towards mechanical enhancement, though Bumaro's leadership mostly culled this belief.[2]
- The Cogwork Orthodox Church led by the Patriarchs, who believe in replacing their body with mechanical enhancements to become closer to Mekhane. They were founded in the 1840s after many members split off from the main Church due to their disdain towards mechanical enhancement.[2]
- The Church of Maxwellism led by Saint Hedwig and the Hexagon, who advocate for the use of cybernetics and mind melding in order to resurrect Mekhane as the will of humanity. After the Patriarchs deemed digital enhancement to be heretical in the early 1990s, many members split off to form splinter cells. Saint Hedwig united these cells in the later 1990s, with adherents becoming known as Maxwellists.[2]
- The Clockwork Communion Church founded by Deacon Watson Bell, based out of England until their move to Other London, staying behind when Other London was abandoned. The Communion secretly funded Otherner rebellion against the United Nations Global Occult Coalition peacekeepers until their leadership's destruction and overall dissolution.[5]
Relationships with other groups[]
Antares Society for the Renewal of the Human Mindset[]
Mekhanists see the Antares Society for the Renewal of the Human Mindset as "heretics", being hostile to them.
Anderson Robotics[]
Many Maxwellists were employed by Anderson Robotics, with products and augmentations also being sold to Maxwellist cells. However, the Cogwork Orthodoxy shunned the company due to their cybernetic production.
Cobweb International[]
Cobweb International has a commercial relationship with the Mekhanists, as Cobweb has no qualms about religion. However, they do not deal with the Cogwork Orthodoxy, as the Orthodoxy has mixed feelings about their military technology.
Church of the Second Hytoth[]
The Mekhanists have shunned the Ortothans due to their incompatible religion, including their use of blood sacrifice. The Xia Dynasty, one of the earliest examples of Mekhanist religion, fought the Earthly Ortothan Kingdom long ago.
Cult of the Great Green God[]
Mekhanists see the Cult of the Great Green God's reverance of nature as blasphemous, and ancient Mekhanists fought the Cult eons ago.
The ancient Mekhanists fought the Daevite Empire, fighting many battles against them.
Division XXV[]
Though the Division XXV persecuted the Church of the Broken God cells within East Germany, the Mekhanists never discovered the identity of their pursuers.
Deer College[]
Deer College's religious tolerance allows for Mekhanists to study there, even those with severe augmentation. However, some conservative members see Deer College as too tolerant of other faiths and pluralistic.
Fixed Flowers[]
As Fixed Flowers is against technological progress, the Church of the Broken God ideologically oppose them.
Global Occult Coalition[]
The United Nations Global Occult Coalition oppose the Mekhanists due to their propensity to violate the Veil Protocol.
Noonday Oak Troupe[]
Despite efforts by the Noonday Oak Troupe to disrupt the Mekhanists, the Church does not care about NOTE.
The Hive[]
Due to their similarity to a computer virus, the Mekhanists dub the Hive as the "Worm of the Flesh". It is seen as a corruption of the mind, and the Church is undergoing a purge of Hive members.
Horizon Initiative[]
The Horizon Initiative is seen as a group of blind fanatics, destroying fragments of God instead of reassembling him.
Institute for Human Education and Development[]
Some interest lies in the Institute for Human Education and Development's cybernetic enhancement work, though the biological enhancements are seen as revolting.
Meat Circus[]
The Meat Circus is seen as misguided; though the Church is interested in their Technicians, their Mutators and Mages are looked down upon.
Raptor Tec. Industries[]
Though interest lied in Raptor Tec. Industries' technology, Church members were disappointed in Raptor Tec's prioritization of money over progress.
Robotic Republic[]
The Robotic Republic and the Church are divided on technological and philosophical questions.
SAPPHIRE targets the Church due to their belief in Mekhane; as such, they are viewed with great hostility by Mekhanists.
The religion of Sarkicism is the complete antithesis to the religion of Mekhanism, having fought one another since the birth of humanity. As such, they are mortal enemies and are engaged in a neverending conflict.
SCP Foundation[]
The Church and the SCP Foundation are hostile towards one another, though they are occasional allies in certain situations.
Special Security Commission[]
During the Spanish Civil War, some Mekhanists sided with the Special Security Commission and Francisco Franco's National Catholic Dictatorship, while others sided with the Republicans and were forced to fight the SSC.
- Wasteland
- Church of the Broken God Hub
- Entry Page: 5000
- Excerpts from PHYSICS Division Strike Team Database - 14 May 2023