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To those of you who would do harm to humanity, I say this: the Global Occult Coalition stands ready to defend humanity against all foes. Whether it likes it or not.

–D.C al Fine, GOC's mission statement.

The United Nations Global Occult Coalition (UNGOC) (GoI-0007, GoI-011, GoI-016 or GoI-049), usually simplified to the Global Occult Coalition (GOC) and referred to as the Bookburners by the Serpent's Hand, is an operational arm of the United Nations dedicated to the paranormal and the anomalous. Much like the SCP Foundation, they work to preserve the Veil by keeping information of the anomalous outside the public's eye; however, unlike the Foundation, they seek to destroy the anomalous instead of containing it, as they tend to threaten humanity's dominance over the planet and the understanding of science.

Despite their differences with the Foundation and many other anomalous groups (such as the Church of the Broken God and the Horizon Initiative), they tend to ally with one another when a greater threat is present, such as the Sarkites, the Scarlet King, or THE DEER.



The GOC was founded in 1945 CE after the Seventh Occult War between the Allied Occult Initiative (AOI) and the SS Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps. Though the AOI was dissolved with the SCP Foundation rising as the sole guardian of humanity from the anomalous, many countries and organizations wanted some control over the Foundation due to their vast power. To this end, a Council of 108 nations and anomalous member organizations formed the Global Occult Coalition as an arm of the United Nations.

Foundation dealings[]

In 1970, the SCP Foundation and GOC signed an agreement simply titled the SCP-GOC 1970 Accord. According to this agreement, the Foundation cannot directly be involved in the containment of SCP-3874, instead monitoring and sabotaging any attempts to capture 3874 by PENTAGRAM: the US Department of Defense's occult branch.[1]


Seeing themselves as the paranormal world's police, the GOC is primarily a political force. They take great satisfaction in eliminating abnormal artifacts and otherworldly beings. Additionally, they utilize the most advanced experimental technology available, which they acquired from their sponsors.

An Acting Director, whose responsibilities are similar to those of the Administrator from the SCP Foundation, typically leads the Coalition. Eric Burke and Reginald Ulysses Law have served as notable Acting Directors of the Coalition. The Undersecretary-General is a UN public official who is directly in charge of the Acting Director.

Depending on the circumstance, they have occasionally supported the Foundation and other times opposed it. Although there have been a few dubious situations in which the GOC has categorically denied involvement, the GOC has acknowledged the Foundation's immense power enough to leave it largely alone. The GOC is divided into four major divisions, with most of their other subgroups falling under the jurisdiction of at least one division:

  • GOC High Command - Similar to the SCP Foundation's Administrative Department, the High Command oversees and directs the rest of the Coalition. The Office of the Undersecretariat is part of the High Command, as well as the Nexus which coordinates Command Central hubs overseeing local operations.[2]
  • PHYSICS Division - Much like the Department of Task Forces in the Foundation, the PHYSICS Division is the action arm of the GOC. They're tasked with countering and eliminating Threat Entities (TEs), as well as organizations that create TEs.[2]
  • PSYCHE Division - The diplomacy arm of the GOC. Responsible for keeping the peace between the world of the public and the world of the anomalous. PSYCHE keeps relations up with non-hostile occult groups and occasionally organizes the trade of entities or the formation of joint task forces.[2]
  • PTOLEMY Division - The support arm of the GOC. Responsible for the smooth operation of the GOC, including creating technology to assist PHYSICS operatives, researching anomalous concepts to assist in counteracting, transporting Strike Teams and Assessment Teams, and other forms of logistics.[2]

Notable locations[]


  • Ganzir - Atlantic Ocean fortress city constructed in Universe-5000. Capable of holding vast amounts of refugees, personnel, and equipment. Served as the GOC's capital during the SCP Foundation's omnicide of humanity. Destroyed by the Foundation; GOC collapsed soon after.[3]

Notable members[]

High Command[]

PHYSICS Division[]

  • Arsegike - Operative
  • Boomer - Engineer
  • Bugs - Team Leader
  • Cartman - Operative
  • Castor - Operative
  • Chameleon - Operative (formerly)
  • Ducky - Operative
  • Ferret - Operative
  • Fox - Team Leader
  • Jackal - Team Executive Officer
  • General Paul Krammer - European High Command
  • Lugnut - Team Leader
  • Pockets - Communications and Technical Specialist
  • Redshirt - Esoterics Specialist
  • Shatner - Operative
  • Skinner - Operative
  • Snapshot - Operative (formerly) (Unfounded)
  • Stabbs - Operative
  • Stretch - Operative
  • Tapper - Operative
  • Tosser - Medic
  • Ukelele - Operative (formerly)

PSYCHE Division[]

PTOLEMY Division[]



  • Ravi Agarwal - Thaumaturge
  • Magister Krone - Esoteric Research and Development




