SCP Database Wiki

Humans (Homo sapiens sapiens) are organisms that are currently the dominant species on Earth as of 2024. Some humans developed anomalous abilities, be it naturally or at the hands of a deity because Humans created by image and likeness God. Of these humans, a few retained these abilities and shaped history, forming powerful factions such as the Church of the Broken God or the Sarkics.



The Vitruvian Man, one of the most famous depictions of humanity.

Humans are a bipedal organism that possess extremely complex brains, which allowed them to create various tools, from the most basic ones to the most complex ones. Other very important characteristics of human beings are their high adaptability to new environments, which allowed them to surpass and kill prey and potential predators, and their having great differences between each individual and groups, that can be both physical and/or mental.

Notable members[]

The notable members of humanity are far too many to list on this page; instead, see the category for humanity.
