The SS Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps (GoI-023), generally shortened to Obskurakorps or Obskuracorps, was the occult branch of the Schutzstaffel, composed of occultists, thaumaturges, ontokineticists, and Nazi fanatics. Their goal during World War II was to use the anomalous against the Allies in order to ensure victory for Nazi Germany. The Allied Occult Initiative was formed to stop Obskurakorps, which began the shadow war known as the Seventh Occult War. Obskurakorps reported directly to Heinrich Himmler, who served as its leader.
Despite many attempts to use the anomalous as a weapon, including Director Konrad Weiss' extravagant plan to control magic itself via the Rite of Solomon, Obskurakorps was defeated alongside its Nazi superiors. It was dissolved after the war, though some remnants live on as OBSKURA.
Relevant history[]
Investigation of SCP-4246[]
By the early 1930s, the SS Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps had learned of the SCP-4246 anomaly and sought to weaponize it for the future Seventh Occult War. To accomplish this, they established an excavation outpost in Antarctica, receiving and interpreting visions from SCP-4246-1. The Obskurakorps members believed that the Tethyan civilization was a "master race," entirely based off their supremacist ideals.
At some point, the laborers conducting the excavation of SCP-4246-3 had rebelled against the Obskurakorps and a massacre occurred. It is unknown if there were any survivors, though, in 1965, the SCP Foundation discovered evidence of a battle taking place at the dig site and settlement.[1]
Seventh Occult War[]
Early in World War II, Obskurakorps began drafting plans to acquire the items needed for the Rite of Solomon. This would be conducted in order to induce a GR-Class Hostile Demiurge Event, allowing for the creation of a deific entity to serve as a demiurge. The theoretical demiurge would then be controlled with the seven Keys of Solomon in order to remove thaumaturgical abilities from all beings of non-German origin, and granting abilities to all members of Obskurakorps, the Schutzstaffel, and high-ranking Nazi Party officials. The resulting conflict stemming from the attempted acquisition of the necessary artifacts, as well as other powerful anomalies, would be known as the Seventh Occult War.
Prague Incident[]

Hitler in occupied Prague, 1939
In 1939, Director Konrad Weiss sent Commander Hermann Schmitz and his unit to occupied Prague, Czechoslovakia in order to secure Josef, the Golem of Prague, who was holding one of the Keys of Solomon, in the attic of the Old New Synagogue. Inadvertently, the Obskurakorps unit awoke Josef, who fought through the streets of Prague for seventeen hours before a team of Thulian kriegsmagier fought him to a standstill.
However, Josef was rescued by a team of Knights Templar commandos, who helped Josef slaughter the kriegsmagier and fled with them through a Way. This Way was immediately collapsed behind them to prevent pursuit. Schmitz wrote to Weiss about the incident, giving a detailed breakdown and offering his sincerest apologies.[2]
Analysis of the Allied Occult Initiative[]
In the eighteen months[3] since the Prague Incident, Josef Boller conducted an analysis of the forces that had conducted 23 actions against Obskurakorps in continental Europe. He determined that there was great diversity among them, suspecting a coalition had been formed against their organization. Additionally, apportation was used in 19 of the actions, which allowed for the coalition to strike from virtually any position; Josef was present in 14 of the actions, working alongside them to cripple Obskurakorps' efforts.[2]
Facility 12[]
After the German occupation of Norway in 1940, the Thule Society discovered the Nyrsigtuna battle site outside Rjukan, Norway where a replica of Tyrfing was lost. The Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps built Facility 12 at this location,
Expedition of the Paris Catacombs[]

A wall of bones within the Catacombs of Paris.
After the Battle of France and capture of Paris in 1940, Director Weiss ordered Richard Wege to survey the Catacombs of Paris. Several dormant Ways were discovered among the bones, and a Mekhanite chamber was discovered with an automaton found within; Wege confused this with a Germanic-dwarven origin, due to his racial bias. The automaton was excavated and transported to Germany, with Wege writing a report to Weiss. It was later shipped to Facility 12 for experimentation with Tyrfing; this was reported to Werner Schuhmann.
Battle of Three Portlands[]
In 1943, Obskurakorps apportated onto the Isle of Portland and opened a Way into the pocket dimensional city of Three Portlands, in order to seize the ICSUT Three Portlands campus and loot the local Allied Occult Initiative safehouse. The FBI Unusual Incidents Unit and British Occult Service operatives, ICSUT faculty and students, the Portslander citizenry and municipal police golems fought Obskurakorps and defeated them, forcing a retreat from the city.[4]
Ambush in Istanbul and Weiss' change of plans[]
The Obskurakorps attempted to ambush Josef in Istanbul, Turkey; it failed miserably, with all recovery team members being killed. Weiss decided to halt further attempts to apprehend Josef in light of the massive casualties, as gathering enough men to contain him would need far too many men to reasonably attain without wiping out the AOI base of operations.
Weiss instead wrote to his direct superior, Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler, proposing the creation of a replacement for the Seventh Key, which Josef was still in possession of. Himmler wrote back, stressing the urgency of this plan and the Rite due to the loss at the Battle of Three Portlands.
Later, Weiss reported back to Himmler that Obskurakorps have instead began to create a whole new set of Keys, due to a protocol not allowing a Key replacement to be made for the original set. Additionally, Weiss stated that they have successfully deciphered the code used by the Godless in their original use of the Rite to destroy the original demiurge.[2]

Depiction of Saehrimnir.
By 1943, Obskurakorps had acquired 100 pieces of the flesh of Sæhrímnir, a wild boar from Norse mythology that regenerates from death after being eaten by the Æsir and einherjar of Asgard, and experimented with it at a subcamp of the Janowska concentration camp near Lwów, Poland (now Lviv, Ukraine). While it is never explicitly explained what they were doing with the flesh, it is heavily implied that Obskurakorps was attempting to make immortal soldiers, as human skeletons were found embedded within them. However, this would never be completed, as by 1 December, they abandoned Janowska due to the Red Army advance. They left behind the flesh, which would ultimately be acquired by the Soviet Union and used to make SCP-2430 at Joseph Stalin's command.[5]
During the German occupation of Czechoslovakia from 1938 to 1945, the Proto-Sarkic Divoši were hunted and nearly exterminated; however, at least 600 individuals survived due to the Obskurakorps realizing their anomalous nature and conducting human experimentation on them at Eisenblut, near the Theresienstadt Ghetto at Terezín. The survivors were rescued in 1945 by the Foundation.[6]
Transporting the Lance of Longinus[]

Mural depicting the Lance of Longinus.
In fall 1944, the Obskurakorps was transporting the Lance of Longinus aboard a train to Berlin from Nuremberg under the command of SS-Hauptsturmführer Zimmermann. Four decoy spears were also present; two by military convoy, one by plane, and one remaining in Nuremberg; Zimmermann accompanied the true Spear along with Franz Hoffmann's unit. However, the AOI learned of the Lance and its location after Allied thaumaturgists cracked the counterscrying protecting it. Agents Martin and Smith were to deploy with six other agents to intercept the train, steal the Lance, and plant a fake in its place to fool Obskurakorps; should this fail, a Strike Team would derail the train to prevent the lance from falling into Germany's hands.
The Initiative agents infiltrated the train, killing a squad of Obskurakorps men before engaging Zimmermann, who took out multiple agents. They then retreated to have the Strike Team detonate an explosive on the railway, derailing the train and incapacitating multiple men. The thirty-man Strike Team attacked the remaining Obskurakorps and killed many of them, including Zimmermann, before switching the Holy Lance and retreating. The fake Holy Lance was likely transported to Berlin by Hoffmann and the remainder of his unit.[7]
Capture of Weiss and recovery of Tyrfing[]
In 1944, Director Konrad Weiss intended to finally realize his plan of conducting the Rite of Solomon to control thaumaturgy itself through a GR-Class Hostile Demiurge Event. However, he was captured on 1 September in Operation BLACK ROPE, revealing Obskurakorps' plans to both the AOI and the Foundation.[8]
On 9 September, Operation DREKAR MIRAGE was conducted by AOI to recover the replica of Tyrfing. The AOI suffered a large amount of casualties, though they succeeded in disabling Facility 12 and recovering the false Tyrfing, as well as destroying the automaton wielding the sword with the assistance of Josef and Hal, a Mekhanite priest. The remaining Thulian mages and researchers fled the facility through a Way, which detonated behind them.[9]
Discovery of Tyrfing[]
An Obskurakorps archaeological dig at a Goth settlement in Poland found the real Tyrfing in an underground tomb; this would be used in place of the replica for the Rite of Solomon.[9]
Attack on the Nyrsigtuna Manor[]
Operation AEON DAWN and the end of the Seventh Occult War[]
Realizing the danger of conducting this Rite, the AOI and Foundation conducted an operation to route Obskurakorps before they could finish this ritual. The operation was a success, and this ended the Seventh Occult War.[8]
The United Nations Global Occult Coalition's PHYSICS Division classified anomalies relating to the Obskurakorps with the codeword of Einherjar.[10]
Alternate realities[]
In 2017, Dr. Alto Clef hosted interviews for prospective rival Groups of Interest. A Waffen-SS commander showed up to the interview and briefly introduced himself and his organization before being interrupted with a bullet to the head, as Clef despised Nazis.[11]
Notable members[]
- Werner Schuhmann - Head
- Konrad Weiss - Director of Advanced Research and Applied Archeology
- Daniela Heiden - Clerical Aide
- Josef Boller - Commander
- Dunst - Lieutenant
- Karl Reuter - Commander
- Hermann Schmitz - Commander
- Unidentified Waffen-SS commander - Commander
- Richard Wege - Commander
- Zimmermann - SS-Hauptsturmführer
- Dr. Wilfried Akermann - Scientist
- Dr. Dietrich Klossner - Scientist
- Dr. Hans Meyer - Scientist
- Dr. Otto Schmidt - Scientist
- Dr. Eva Zellweger - Scientist
- Franz Hoffmann - Soldier
- Excerpts from PHYSICS Division Threat Entity Database
- Entry Page: 2430
- Aboard the Train to Berlin
- Preliminary Report of J. C. Randall Upon His Party's Efforts to Catalogue the Multiverse
- UIU Location Dossier — "Three Portlands"
- Entry Page: 2893
- Entry Page: 3528
- Interviews with Prospective Groups of Interest
- Obskuracorps Memos Acquired in Operation BLACK ROPE
- Archival Document — HSA-008-Advent
- A Man of Clay and Men Formerly Men
- Entry Page: 3457
- Entry Page: 4017
- Entry Page: 4077
- An Anthropological Approach to Sarkicism - Case Study 02: The Divoši of Prague
- Entry Page: 4217
- Entry Page: 3721
- Entry Page: 4246
- Secure Facility Dossier: Site-246
- Entry Page: 6672
- Project Proposal 2008-041: "The Spark to Raise the World Ablaze"
- Esterberg (City) — Wikipedia
- Entry Page: 6848
- NTE-2858-Cyan-Blaecca
- ↑ Entry Page: 4246
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Obskuracorps Memos Acquired in Operation BLACK ROPE
- ↑ This could be from July 1940 to July 1941; the original article does not specify the exact date of the Prague Incident.
- ↑ UIU Location Dossier — "Three Portlands"
- ↑ Entry Page: 2430
- ↑ An Anthropological Approach to Sarkicism - Case Study 02: The Divoši of Prague
- ↑ Aboard the Train to Berlin
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 Entry Page: 3457
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 Archival Document — HSA-008-Advent
- ↑ Excerpts from PHYSICS Division Threat Entity Database
- ↑ Interviews with Prospective Groups of Interest