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"I saved… I saved him… Dr. Hamm, I… I cured him… he was sick, I know he was sick, I know he was, and I… you are all sick, but I… I can save you. I can save all of you, because I… I am the cure."

–SCP-049 on his actions, Entry Page: 049

SCP-049 ("Plague Doctor") is a humanoid entity that sought to cure humanity of The Pestilence, though it remains unknown what the Pestilence truly was.



SCP-049 was presumably born in medieval France, possibly during the times of the Black Plague. He somehow assumed the anatomical form of a plague doctor and traveled the world, even going to otherworldly dimensions such as Alagadda. 049 sought to cure The Pestilence, though it is unknown to all but 049 himself of what it truly was.[1]


049 eventually made his way to Alagadda, taking the form of a bird-man hybrid. He eventually gave his book away in exchange for reagents, the book eventually falling into the hands of Marshall, Carter and Dark, Ltd..[4] 049 entered a plaza containing an orgy, a local woman eventually coming to him. She had minor injuries, and was apparently "sick" with an illness unknown to 049. He briefly became agitated when looking through his doctor's bag for his book, though he eventually found a black thread and needle. 049 then sown the woman's wounds before quickly leaving the plaza.

049 raked his claws until they ran with blood in utter frustration at the loss of his book. He eventually walked into a hidden parlor for foreigners, running into three doctors: Rydell, Erasmus, and Arderne. They offered their help in locating 049's lost book, providing access to countless books in London. However, he refused, demanding his own book rather than other literature. 049 then fled, eventually approaching the Palace of the Hanged King. A seraph of the Black Lord would approach 049, explaining to him of The Black Lord's need of the duty of 049 in exchange for his lost book.[5]

Court of the Hanged King[]

049 was taken to the Black Lord, who needed his aid to cure an ailment that he had. Soon after, the Black Lord was attacked by a creature; though 049 was reluctant in his ability to cure the Black Lord. Upon the attack, however, he received his book and found the procedure, performing it. The Black Lord threw away his own mask, proclaiming HIS relinquishment of the Hanged King's influence. Unfortunately for him, the mask appeared in the Lord's left hand before the King possessed him once more.[6] 049 soon left Alagadda, heading back to Earth.



SCP-049 upon recovery in France.

After reports of disappearances in Montauban, France, local police discovered SCP-049 among several instances of SCP-049-2, which they quickly eliminated; 049 was found to be taking notes during this time. He willingly entered SCP Foundation custody at Site-19 on December 10, 2009, and was interviewed by Dr. Raymond Hamm, a cryptobiologist posted at Site-85.

He explained to Hamm of the Pestilence, and how the 049-2's he made were those cured of it. With the assumption that the Foundation was a scientific organization, 049 exclaimed that there was work to do. His pointed stick was confiscated, mainly due to containment procedures and the fact he kept swinging it about. D-85123 was introduced to 049, who subsequently killed them and turned the Class D into a multi-limbed instance of 049-2, who was soon eliminated by security personnel afterwards.

049 was then introduced to a goat and orangutan in separate tests, both deceased. The goat was reanimated over the course of several days as an instance of 049-2, being eliminated soon afterwards. The orangutan, however, proved to be an obstacle to 049 and was unable to be "cured". This resulted in 049 asking for more subjects of this variety, as the orangutan was the first "block" in his research and studies. He was then provided a bovine corpse, operating on it despite the mild annoyance he felt, eventually reanimating it as an instance of 049-2.[1]

Containment Breach[]

In the wake of Chaos Insurgency attacks on several sites, including Site-19, SCP-049 was sent to the Modular Site's Heavy Containment Zone in 2012. During a containment breach orchestrated by Insurgency operative Dr. Maynard and SCP-079, 049 was one of many SCPs freed during the chaos. Confused, he took the opportunity to continue his research, "curing" two Security Department personnel. It is also possible he "cured" D-9341; though, due to the effects of the Spiral Gestalt, D-9341 could have simply respawned and evaded 049 and 049-2 instances. He was eventually recontained by MTF Epsilon-11 "Nine-Tailed Fox" personnel. Later, Site-19 was repaired and 049 was sent back to his cell under Dr. Hamm's jurisdiction.[7]

Death of Hamm[]

After weeks of tests, Dr. Hamm conducted a follow-up interview with SCP-049, questioning his work and why he turns his subjects into the undead. 049 became increasingly agitated, explaining the dangers of the Pestilence before Hamm apologized. 049 forgave him, asking for subjects that possessed an anatomy resembling Homo sapiens. Hamm then interviewed 049 repeatedly over several months, continually noting his displeasure with the production of 049-2 instances.

On April 16th, 2017, Hamm was killed by 049 while attempting to interview him, turning him into an instance of 049-2 due to a lapse in security protocol. He was interviewed afterwards by Dr. Theron Sherman from Site-42. Sherman possessed a hostile position during his interview, in which 049-2 showed remorse but conviction in his "curing" of Dr. Hamm.

On May 7th, 2017, nearly a month after Dr. Hamm was "cured", another interview took place to close out the investigation of Hamm's death. This was conducted by Dr. Elijah Itkin, who inquired 049 to any comments and the remorse he possessed during his interview by Dr. Sherman. 049 answered that he did indeed mourn for a fellow doctor becoming infected, though exclaimed that is work must continue on living human subjects. Though Dr. Itkin told him that he would be disappointed, 049 responded that he himself wouldn't be so sure.[1]


A containment breach occurred on August 17th, 2017, presumably committed by SCP-035 after obtaining a host. During the breach, 035 entered 049's chamber and manipulated him into curing a host for 035 to take over permanently. After a considerable time attempting to remember the procedure he performed upon 035 so long ago, he then cured the host, which 035 then took over. The two escaped Site-19, with 035's secretions not affecting his new host.[8]

049 eventually took refuge at a Fifth Church monastery in Canada, where he was worshiped as "The Star Surgeon". 049 performed operations on the congregation, changing their bodies to allow them to worship the Cosmic Starfish in an easier fashion.[2] 049 was soon captured by Marshall, Carter and Dark, Ltd. in the wilderness nearby the monastery on July 25th, 2018, where he was subjected to tests involving human subjects and 049's cure. 035 also entered MC&D custody and organized 049's services in exchange for protection. He was soon used as a paid executioner for customers, marketed as "MC&D's Eternal Vengeance". The service entains that customers send people to be killed by 049 or revived into undeath as an instance of 049-2.

Between July and October 2018, several people were sent to MC&D for the marketed use, though 049 did not take pleasure in simply killing them. Mr. Carter and 049 spoke at one point, subtly threatening to comply with his requests or else. He was then sent to a dying man on a hospital bed, where 049 sat until the man passed away, keeping him company in the twilight hours of his life.[3]


SCP-049 in conversation is normally respectful, patient, and cooperative with his interviewers. He was glad to meet "men of medicine" such as Dr. Raymond Hamm, though 049 neglected to properly explain what The Pestilence was, beyond vague descriptions and analogies. In spite of his normally cordial attitude, he becomes agitated and combative when his methods or the existence of the Pestilence is questioned, though is willing to forgive such transgressions upon an apology from the offending party. He also becomes agitated when away from his journal for a substantial amount of time, as shown during his time in Alagadda. In addition, 049 is "confused" by the feeling of lust, describing it as a sickness.[5] 049 is fluent in medieval French and English, though he writes in the language of Alagadda, undeciphered by the SCP Foundation. 049 also enjoys the act of eating; despite him not needing sustenance, it helps him to focus on the task at hand. Lavender also seems to calm 049, likely enjoying the smell rather than producing an anomalous effect upon him.

When 049 detects the Pestilence within a person, he moves rapidly to "cure" them, neglecting to converse with his test subject. After the curing, however, he shows remorse and frustration with having done little to stop the Pestilence. After Dr. Hamm was cured, he showed regret in having to cure a fellow doctor, but conviction in himself; 049 stated that he was the only one who could cure the Pestilence in spite of the criticism he received from the Foundation's Research Department.[1]

Anomalous properties[]

SCP-049 xray

X-Ray imaging of SCP-049's facial structure.

049's anatomical form resembles that of a medieval plague doctor, including a beaked mask and robes. However, upon closer inspection, the "clothes" are actually a part of 049's body; the robes are of a thick hide, while the mask is chitinous in nature. His touch can be deadly, having the ability to instantly kill a subject via skin contact. It remains unknown how victims die, as autopsies were inconclusive. 049 also does not possess the need for sustenance, though he occasionally eats for pleasure and to help him focus.

After death, 049 then utilizes his black doctor's bag's contents to reanimate victims as instances of SCP-049-2. The black bag is seemingly anomalous, as 049 has been seen pulling objects from it that were larger than the bag itself. Utilizing various tools, he conducts a crude surgery upon the subject. The surgeries are inconsistent, and occasionally involves attaching multiple limbs and the rearranging of the anatomy of the victim. [1]


049 is currently in a Standard Secure Humanoid Containment Cell in Research Sector-02 at Site-19. When 049 is transported, he is contained in a Class III Humanoid Restriction Harness to prevent hostility and possible casualties from his touch, as well as sedation and the requirement of being escorted by two or more armed security personnel. If or when 049 is hostile to SCP Foundation staff, elevated force is authorized and 049's privileges are to be revoked.

To keep 049 docile and cooperative, he is provided with a recently deceased large mammal every two weeks. Should an instance of 049-2 be produced, it must be taken away and incinerated. Human subjects are no longer allowed, as well as physical interactions with staff.[1]




  • SCP-978 Extended Test Logs - 14 May 2009
  • Experiment Log T-98816-OC108/682 - 24 Oct 2008
  • SCP-212 Upgrade Log - 17 Sep 2008
  • Entry Page: 049 - 10 Dec 2009
  • SCP: Containment Breach - 15 Apr 2012
  • TheeSherm's Author Page & Site-42 Hub - 18 Jun 2015
  • Lust in the Time of Anomalous Cholera - 31 Mar 2016
  • Confirmed Sightings - 4 Oct 2016
  • Entry Page: 729-J - 19 Dec 2016
  • Entry Page: 1347-1353-J - 20 Dec 2016
  • Habil and Qabil - 26 Dec 2017
  • Entry Page: 049-D - 17 Feb 2018
  • Everyone Wears a Mask - 14 May 2018
  • Boiled, Scrambled, and Fried - 16 May 2018
  • Entry Page: 049-ARC - 18 May 2018
  • An Angel who has Forsaken Sympathy - 17 Jun 2018
  • Experiment Log 914 - Part X - 1 Jul 2019
  • Pestilence in the Court of the Hanged King - 7 Jul 2018
  • Cack Hard - 20 Jul 2018
  • Do No Harm - 27 Aug 2018
  • Let Her Heart DEET Once More - 28 Aug 2018
  • Going Home - 29 Aug 2018
  • SCP OCT Hub - 31 Aug 2018
  • Entry Page: 3461 - 1 Sep 2018
  • Down with the Sickness - 11 Sep 2018
  • The Cure - 28 Sep 2018
  • My Empire of Birds - 2 Oct 2018
  • Of Doctors and Alagadda - 14 Oct 2018
  • In the Shadow of the Anguished Lord - 14 Oct 2018
  • Let Me Cure Her, Daddy - 11 Dec 2018
  • Entry Page: 4480 - 16 Jan 2019
  • Entry Page: 049-ΩK - 1 Feb 2019
  • Nine Tales from the Cativerse - 13 Feb 2019
  • Experiment Log 914 - Part X - 1 Jul 2019
  • Experiment Log 914 - Part XII - 8 Nov 2019
  • A Good Actor Never Dies - 16 Mar 2020
  • Further selections of Media Referencing the Anomalous - 8 Jul 2021
  • 049 x minion x reader (reader is a minion) (blame varaxous im sorry) - 1 Apr 2021
  • NIGHTMAREFEST (Unofficial) - 23 Sep 2021
  • The Director, the People, and the Boltzmann Jaw - 28 Sep 2021
  • Entry Page: 049-J - 14 Jan 2022
  • Entry Page: 209-J - 5 Nov 2022
  • Altitudes Hub - 27 Jan 2023
  • Reimagined Hub - 6 Mar 2023
  • Entry Page: (-1)-J - 12 Apr 2023
  • Entry Page: 7973 - 21 Jun 2023
  • Remixcon 2023 - 13 Aug 2023
  • The Conspiracy to Murder - 28 Aug 2023
  • Tactical Theology Divine Dossier - 4 May 2024
  • Entry Page: 8850 - 13 May 2024


