The SCP Database is an attempt to organize the SCP universe, and its characters, locations, events, and objects into a somewhat connected continuity. To preserve the no-canon policy of the main wiki, this database is simply to connect the dots across multiple articles. Those dots can simply be removed in your mind, for your own head canon.
Additionally, this is not designed to replace the SCP Wiki. I want to stress that as much as possible, and that you should not use this Wiki as a primary source. I am not affiliated in any capacity with the Wiki's staff or authors. Please consult the site on Wikidot for direct information, I do not want to take away from the hard work that authors put into their pieces, as the Database is simply a way of organizing things for others' benefit.
This should go without saying, but SPOILERS WILL BE UNMARKED! Do not get angry at contributors for spoiling a tale or SCP entry, as this wiki is fully intended to catalog as much about the SCP universe as possible.
This is completely free to edit, using any established source related to the SCP universe.
- Do not use sources that are from any other piece of fiction unrelated to the SCP universe. Conjecture is allowed as long as it; a.) fills in holes and b.) makes sense. Content from video games that have a verified plot around them (e.g SCP: Containment Breach and its Unity remake) are allowed on the Wiki, but must be marked as such.
- Do not plagiarize the SCP Wiki or any other Wiki, be original in your writings.
- Do not write your own fanon (be it an SCP, character, location, object, group, concept, or story that does not originate from commonly accepted SCP sources) as canon of this wiki. Please restrict these to your own personal pages (e.g "User:[INSERT HERE]/SCP-99999"), if possible.
The subjects of the articles on this wiki do not belong to me. All rights go to the SCP Wiki's admins, moderators, and writers. My goal is to attempt to organize the subjects of the main wiki for easier understanding and to know the "full" story behind SCPs, prominent characters, and groups.
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