SCP Database Wiki

We secure. We contain. We protect.

The Administrator

The SCP[1] Foundation, more commonly simplified to the Foundation, is a highly secretive international organization.

The Foundation is a diverse and well-funded paranormal organization dedicated to detecting and containing SCPs: paranormal phenomena which can include animals, events, objects, people, and unnatural occurrences. Whether it is for the SCPs' safety from civilization or vice versa, the organization's overarching goal is to understand unusual events and permanently imprison them to keep them away from the world.

The Foundation, founded by The Administrator and currently run by the O5 Council, is home to countless anomalous objects; unlike the United Nations Global Occult Coalition, the Foundation does not eliminate anomalous objects unless they pose an existential threat to humanity upon a containment breach. The immense funding required to hold these objects is provided by various world governments across the world, as it is within their interest to keep the Veil intact.

There are many Groups of Interest across the anomalous world that oppose the Foundation, including the religions of Sarkicism and the Church of the Broken God, the Children of the Scarlet King, the Chaos Insurgency, the Fifthist Church, and many more. Though the Foundation has very few true "allies", most friendly organizations have an overlapping goal with Foundation interests, including the United States Global Occult Coalition, the Serpent's Hand (occasionally), and Wilson's Wildlife Solutions.


Origins and founding[]

There is no exact origin for the SCP Foundation, though it is known that there were a multitude of precursor organizations that are often referred to as "proto-Foundations." These organizations performed similar tasks as the SCP Foundation, namely the containment and documentation of anomalies.

However, there are several SCP-001 proposals, canons, and tales that describe a variety of different origins. Some of these are located within the tabs below:

Many years ago, the Founder underwent an expedition to the Fertile Crescent between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. There, he encountered the Gate Guardian, who gave a command to the Founder: "PREPARE." This single word formed the impetus for the SCP Foundation's creation, including the cataloging and containment of anomalous objects.

After Aaron Siegel discovered the Spiral Path, Siegel became aware of the anomalous and invited several people to join him in exploring the unknown. They created several anomalies, including SCP-005, SCP-006, and SCP-015, and eventually created a facility to hold them.

The SCP Foundation was soon founded, and human experimentation became commonplace. Anomalies such as SCP-007 and SCP-014 were created, and eventually anomalies were being accidentally created rather than engineered. Several Groups of Interest were also manufactured in order to gain funding, such as the Chaos Insurgency and Prometheus Labs.

Eventually, horrific anomalies were being created by the Foundation, such as SCP-610 and SCP-682, and some were being created without any involvement from the SCP Foundation.

In an alternate reality, humanity had progressed to such a point that they were able to shape worlds and alter the fabric of reality. However, this opened up a multiversal Corruption that began to destroy their universe. As a final failsafe, they sent one man to another universe in order to solve the Corruption and stop it.

This man arrived in the current universe and founded the SCP Foundation to accomplish his task. Eventually, he left the Foundation behind with his knowledge and a collection of items simply known as The Legacy.

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In the aftermath of the Consensus and the erasure of the apocalyptic Occult War i, the 1901 Forbidden City Convention took place in Peking, China. The representatives of twelve paraorganizations attended, headed by The Visionary of Her Majesty's Foundation for the Secure Containment of the Paranormal.

The Convention proposed the unification of all twelve organizations into one organization to ensure that something akin to Occult War i never happens again. The structure of this new organization, simply called the Foundation, was determined by the Convention's terms. After much deliberation, a vote took place that ultimately resulted in the SCP Foundation's founding.

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Notable shared events[]

Seventh Occult War[]

It is known that the SCP Foundation fought in the Seventh Occult War as part of Allied Occult Initiative, though it notably joined later in the war due to a belief in neutrality akin to the United States pre-1941.


The Foundation has many subgroups under it, usually dedicated to a certain niche area within the organization. However, they are all grouped under at least one of the following departments:

  • Administrative Department - Section of the Foundation dedicated to general operations, management, and recruitment of personnel. This department also serves as the accounting department of the Foundation, ensuring that the Foundation is financially stable. The Administrative Department includes the O5 Council, the Ethics Committee, and the Site Directors' Council.[2]
    • Ethics Committee - Section of the Foundation dedicated to reviewing and approving certain containment procedures. Despite their vital importance to the Foundation, they are often considered a joke by most of the organization. However, they are an incredibly important part of the Foundation, as they ensure that ethical procedure is maintained.[2]
  • Alchemy Department - Section of the Foundation dedicated to the research and manipulation of aetheric forces and The Great Seal.
  • Anomalous Entity Engagement Division - Section of the Foundation specializing in anomalous relations between personnel and anomalies.
  • Antimemetics Division - Section of the Foundation that researches antimemetic hazards. AD is not officially recognized by the O5 Council, with the AD working in the shadows of the Foundation.
  • Artificial Intelligence Application Division - Section of the Foundation dedicated to the research and development of artificial intelligence, containment of anomalous AI's, and creation of .aic's.
  • Cryptozoology Division - Section of the Foundation dedicated to the research and containment of cryptid-like anomalies and other parafuana.
  • Decommisioning Department - Section of the Foundation dedicated to the termination/elimination of SCPs deemed too difficult or too dangerous to contain. SCPs that have been terminated end in a "-D".
  • Department of Abnormalities - Mysterious group not affliated with the SCP Foundation dedicated to the research and containment of SCP-like objects called abnormalities.
  • Department of Applied Force - Section of the Foundation dedicated to multiple purposes that require the use of highly-skilled and specialized teams. They are responsible for handling the dozens of different teams, including the Department of Task Forces that manages the Mobile Task Forces around the world. Many of the task forces within the DTF are for combating certain types of anomalies and Groups of Interest, while others may be for infiltration or reconnaissance.[2]
  • Department of Containment - Section of the Foundation dedicated to developing, testing, and implementing new containment protocols.[2]
  • Department of Deletions - Unregistered section of the Foundation and part-GoI composed of deleted personnel that have originated from deleted pages on the SCiPnet.
  • Department of External Affairs - Section of the Foundation dedicated to erasing public existence of the anomalous, recruiting new personnel, and managing employees of the Foundation. They also work to manage Foundation diplomacy between Groups of Interest.[2]
  • Department of Miscommunications - Section of the Foundation dedicated to the research and containment of infohazardous, memetic/antimemetic, linguistic, and or otherwise metaphysical SCPs.
  • Department of Mythology and Folkloristics - Section of the Foundation dedicated to the research and containment of mythological, ancient, and sometimes spritual SCPs.
  • Department of Procurement and Liquidation - Section of the Foundation dedicated to acquisition and destruction of anomalous items.
  • Department of Surrealistics - Section of the Foundation dedicated to the research and containment of abstract and infohazardous SCPs through agnostics and Site-⌘.
  • Department of Tactical Theology - Section of the Foundation dedicated to the research and containment of theological, empyrean/demonic, and deific SCPs.
  • Department of Unreality
  • Emergent Threat Tactical Response Authority - Section of the Foundation specializing in responding to anomalous threats and coordinating large-scale/worldwide operations.
  • Engineering & Technical Service Department - Section of the Foundation dedicated to engineering and building Foundation sites, areas, and containment cells; they collaborate heavily with the Containment Department in the latter. The E&TSD are also responsible for maintaining and repairing equipment essential to the Foundation.[2]
  • Fire Suppression Department - Section of the Foundation dedicated to the protection, health, and safety of Foundation personnel.
  • Intelligence Agency - Section of the Foundation dedicated to finding possible anomalies and the activities of anomalous groups, with agents being embedded within nearly every major population center.
  • Internal Security Department - Section of the Foundation dedicated to finding and outing traitors within the Foundation. The ISD are only recruited from the best of the best, and are usually thought of as a myth.[2]
  • Internal Tribunal Department - Section of the Foundation dedicated to sentencing and punishing personnel that have committed crimes that threaten the Foundation, humanity, or the Foundation's allies. The Internal Tribunal Department also manages appeals between Foundation staff and external personnel. They work with the Ethics Committee to ensure that punishments are handled accordingly with Foundation Bylaws.[2]
  • Logistics Department - Section of the Foundation dedicated to transporting objects and personnel to different facilities. These can be SCPs, materials and objects produced by the ManD, or simply transportation of prominent personnel. They also manage warehouses across the Foundation; ensuring that they are stocked and managed at the highest efficiency.[2]
  • Manufacturing Department - Section of the Foundation dedicated to producing vast amounts of materials and custom-made objects. They are also responsible for developing highly specialized technology, including Scranton Reality Anchors. Staff are not allowed to leave facilities dedicated to the ManD, due to heavy security risks.[2]
  • Medical Department - Section of the Foundation dedicated to preserving the health and well-being of personnel and certain SCPs. The MedD specialize in treating anomalous illnesses and wounds, though are able to treat standard illnesses.[2] They also perform research on SCPs to determine medical information.
  • Pataphysics Department - Section of the Foundation dedicated to the research and containment of pataphysical, narrative, and literary-based SCPs.
  • Recordkeeping and Information Security Administration - Section of the Foundation dedicated to preserving the security of the Foundation's servers and databases, as well as ensuring that confidential information is kept restricted to lower security clearance personnel.
  • Scientific Department - Section of the Foundation dedicated to studying, interacting, and testing certain anomalies and their effects. The ScD conduct interviews with sentient anomalous beings, test certain effects of anomalies, and send valuable knowledge to other departments. Class-D personnel are part of this department, as they are essential to many ScD operations.[2]
  • Security Department - Section of the Foundation dedicated to providing security and protection for all inhabitants of a Foundation facility. The SD is highly skilled in counteracting containment breaches and GoI infestation.[2]
  • Telecommunications Monitoring Office - Section of the Foundation specializing in monitoring and processing information from phone calls worldwide.
  • Temporal Anomalies Department - Section of the Foundation dedicated to the research and containment of temporal, retrocasual, or counter-historical SCPs. Part of a external agency called the Research and Containment Team Δt.

In addition to these sections, the Foundation has several international branches across the world, primarily consisting of local GoIs with similar goals to the Foundation that were absorbed into the SCP Foundation proper. These branches operate almost exclusively within their region and tackle lower priority anomalies discovered within the region.[3]

  • Central Asian Branch - Operates exclusively in the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent, and its surrounding waters. Encompasses the various facilities of the Foundation in prominent Central Asian countries. Rife with conflict as a result of the instability of the region.[3]
  • East Asian Branch - Operates exclusively in East Asia and its surrounding waters. Encompasses the various facilities of the Foundation in prominent East Asian countries. Provides much of the Foundation's electronic and robotic objects.[3]
    • Chinese Branch - Operates exclusively in China and its surrounding waters.
    • Japanese Branch - Operates in Japan and its waters exclusively.
    • Korean Branch - Operates exclusively in the Korean Peninsula and its surrounding waters. Encompasses the various facilities of the Foundation in South Korea and North Korea.
    • Indonesian Branch - Operates exclusively in Indonesia and its waters.
    • Thai Branch - Operates exclusively in Thailand and much of Indochina.
    • Vietnamese Branch - Operates exclusively in Vietnam.
  • European Branch - Operates exclusively in Europe and its surrounding waters. Encompasses the various facilities of the Foundation in prominent European countries. Provides much of the financial aid required by the Foundation's extensive operations.[3]
    • Czech Branch - Operates exclusively within the Czech Republic.
    • Francophone Branch - Operates exclusively in French-speaking territories, including France, Switzerland, Belgium, sub-Saharan Africa, Haiti, Lebanon, Quebec, Maghreb, and Madagascar. The Branch also operates in former territories of France, having several facilities in lands once owned by the French Empire.
    • Germanophone Branch - Operates exclusively within German-speaking territories, including Germany, Austria, and German Switzerland.
    • Greek Branch - Operates exclusively within Greece and the Aegean Sea.
    • Italian Branch - Operates exclusively within Italy and the nearby Mediterranean. Formed from the Regio Istitvto delle Italiche Anomaliae (RIDIA), excluding the fascist branch that eventually formed the Consiglio Fascista dell'Occulto (CFO).
    • Nordic Branch - Operates within Scandinavia, Denmark and the Faroe Islands exclusively.
    • Polish Branch - Operates exclusively within Poland and its northern waters.
    • Portuguese Branch - Operates within Portugal and Portuguese-speaking territories exclusively.
    • Romanian Branch - Operates within Romania and the surrounding Balkans exclusively.
    • Spanish Branch - Operates within Spain and Spanish-speaking territories.
    • Ukrainian Branch -Operates within Ukraine exclusively.
  • North African Branch - Operates exclusively in North Africa and its surrounding waters. Encompasses the various facilities of the Foundation in prominent North African countries. Primarily dedicated to combating hostile GoIs that had taken root in the region.[3]
  • North American Branch - Operates exclusively in North America and its surrounding waters. Encompasses the various facilities of the Foundation in prominent North American countries.[3]
  • Oceania Branch - Operates exclusively in Oceania and Antarctica, as well as their surrounding waters. Encompasses the various facilities of the Foundation in prominent Oceanian countries and Antarctica. Logistics Department headquarters are based in Oceania, being under the jurisdiction of the branch.[3]
  • Russian Branch - Operates exclusively in Russia and former Soviet satellite states. Encompasses the various facilities of the Foundation in Russia and former Soviet states. Serves as an industrial powerhouse, providing much of the Foundation's material needs in terms of raw materials and military needs.[3]
  • South African Branch - Operates exclusively in Southern Africa and its surrounding waters. Encompasses the various facilities of the Foundation in prominent southern African countries. Primarily dedicated to combating hostile GoIs that had taken root in the region, as well as monitoring the Indian Ocean.[3]
  • South American Branch - Operates exclusively in South America and its surrounding waters. Encompasses the various facilities of the Foundation in prominent South American countries.[3]

Notable personnel[]

See Foundation members

Notable locations[]

See Foundation Facilities


  1. Occasionally seen as an acronym, such as "Special Containment Procedures" or "Secure Contain Protect". This Wiki assumes that "SCP" is not an acronym.
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 Internal Departments
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 Branches of the SCP Foundation